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Writer's picture: Ana FernandezAna Fernandez

Updated: Mar 31, 2019

I recently met a real life blogger and she inspired me to start my own blog. Ever since I joined my husband in this business I quickly had the need of creating a place that people could visit to find easy to process and honest information from the eyes of a stone fabricator. Other than the fact that I have listened to countertops talk for the past 8 years I am pretty new to the industry myself. I see this an opportunity where all of us can learn together.

This is us, we met in 2008 through mutual friends and have been together since 2010. We got married in 2011...gosh I can't believe it has been this long! Luis had always tried to get me to work with him but I couldn't see how my major in International Business was going to align with countertops and honestly I wanted to have my own thing and prove myself in corporate America. Well I did that until Harvey happened. During that time I was taking some time off of work to help my dad deal with a personal matter and I kept getting messages from people we knew about their friends and family that flooded that wanted to save their granite countertops and A) needed a crew to safely remove their countertops or B) they had already removed their countertops and a piece (or two...or three) broke and they needed to repair and install again. The company that Luis worked for was mainly set up to take care of new construction, they would not service remodels much less people that flooded plus they were booked 3 months in advance. As I talked to these people and listed to their stories and how many of them did not have insurance and were trying to save anywhere they could. I knew they needed help fast to put their life some how back together so I started referring them to a fabricators we knew but they were also booked solid and didn't want to deal with repairs and removals so I realized there was an opportunity. I asked Luis for installers information and started taking these jobs for after hours and weekends, installers were happy to work extra hours and get these jobs done. I started doing 2-3 services a week and quickly fell in love with the industry. I would tell Luis hey tomorrow I have 2 appointments or after coming home super late I was hey today I had 4 appointments...he wouldn't believe me!! where was all these people coming from??? REFERRALS.....typically people that flooded was surrounded by others floodies so it didn't take too long until word started spreading. Soon I was getting calls about new installations and well that is how Stone Coverings of Houston was born.

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